may not have known it, but our blood pH must stay within a very narrow range or
serious illness and death can result. Do you know that the water fish swim in
needs to be the correct pH in to live? Also, plants blossom when the soil is at
the right pH level. Life only exists where there’s balance, and your body is
totally regulated by pH! So keeping your diet mainly alkaline rather than
acidic is a much healthier and easier option to live healthy, increasing your
life span.
is pH?
is a numeric scale to measure the balance of acids and bases in fluids. It can
be simply described as values for acidic: 1-6, alkaline: 8-14 and neutral:7 pH.
Our body has alkaline pH of 7.4 but poor eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle and
stress alter the pH levels to acidic one where disease thrives easily.
Why pH gets affected?
levels of various minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium,
chromium, selenium, and iron are maintained in our body. But when our body is
gets exposed to acidic substances, it utilizes these electrolytes to neutralize
the acidity and tries to maintain alkalinity. This leads to depletion of
minerals from the bones, cells, organs and tissues. Thus cells are deprived of
minerals and oxygen and immunity is suppressed.
primary defense mechanism against disease is a proper pH balance in our body.
Disease can only nurture in an acidic body, which makes positive conditions for
the development of bacteria, yeast, fungus, mold, viruses, and other microorganisms.
of high acidic level
Alcohol and drug use
Antibiotic overuse
Artificial sweeteners
Declining nutrient levels in foods due to industrial farming
Low levels of fiber in the diet
Lack of exercise
Excess hormones from foods, health and beauty products and plastics
Exposure to chemicals and radiation from household cleansers, building materials, computers, cell phones and microwaves
Food coloring and preservatives
Poor chewing and eating habits
Processed and refined foods
Poor sleep habits
Environmental toxins
Red meat or a high-protein diet
Refined sugars
Processed foods and refined carbohydrates
- Eating too few fruits and vegetables
Symptoms of being acidic:
- Weight gain
Eye problems like watery eyes, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids and corneas
Leg cramps and spasms, joint and muscle pain
Headaches, frequent cold, low immunity
Teeth and mouth issues like loose teeth, sensitive to hot, cold, or acidic foods, mouth ulcers, infections in throat and tonsils
Unhealthy skin, nails and hair
Digestive issues like excess stomach acid, acid reflux, gastritis, ulcers.
Low energy; constant fatigue
Being continually depressed with a loss of joy and enthusiasm
Allergies, asthma and congestion
- Excessive nervousness
How to achieve balanced pH?
Unfortunately most of us don't pay much attention to our diet until we experience a major health scare or emergency and take steps later to regain health. You can help your body enormously just by modifying your eating habits-
Drinking more filtered water daily (have one or two glasses of lemon water every morning: one wedge of lemon squeezed into warm water)
Drinking herbal teas
Eating a more fruits and vegetables like lemons and watermelons, avocados, cucumbers, broccoli, capsicum, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, Parsley, and Asparagus which have high alkaline values.
Eating whole grains like Amaranth, Quinoa and Millet.
Raw nuts and seeds like raisins, apricots, dates
cold-pressed vegetable oils and black olives
Lifestyle habits that can help:
- Eating breakfast every day
- Going to bed at regular time.
- Clearing your environment or your home of toxic chemicals
- Taking deep breaths (belly breathing)
- Having warm baths with Epsom salts and essential oils like lavender, mint, eucalyptus or lemon
- Taking time to walk outside and enjoy nature
- Giving time for yourself (reading, singing, yoga, whatever makes you happy
of alkaline body pH:
Boost your energy dramatically.
A state of wellness where you feel healthy, energetic, have smooth glowing skin and an alert, focused mind
Slows down the aging process
Lower your risk of cancer.
By eating healthy you naturally lose weight.
Finally, don’t be too acidic. Balanced body chemistry can make a big change in your health. Try to balance out and have an eye on what you eat.
Don’t forget to keep it healthy!!For more information here's the list of Books on alkaline
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